What we as diabetics
need to see, be aware of, and live responsibility within/as is maintaining
homeostasis within the body and within the mind. Homeostasis is the best
operating range or state to exist within. If we allow ourselves to become too happy then we are most likely subject to binges, subject to excitatory
reactions within the mind and from what I've seen within myself, that is when I
can think about consuming large amounts of sugar and essentially say "fuck
it, why not, I'm happy" and then I binge out on sugar and more often than
not, allow myself to go hyperglycemic. This also relates to sadness wherein
I've consumed sugar when I am sad, consumed high caloric foods or high sugar
foods to make myself `feel good` - looking at that now it is a fascinating
mechanism because the only thing that `feels good` in that moment is taste.
Consuming sugar doesn’t allow myself to face what is making myself sad, nor
does it make myself not feel sad, it is only used as a mechanism to not face the
sadness that I was/am going through and to suppress the sadness. A fascinating
thing with sugar is its relationship to happiness and how the human, through
parental upbringing, is exposed and systematically influenced to create this
relationship between self and sugar. Within this relationship we can see the
polarity existent between the relationship of sugar and self and the affects of
the polarities of the mind on the polarities of the body regarding homeostasis
within blood glucose.
As a child I had
this relationship to sugar, where I would want sugar, demand sugar, throw
tantrums if I did not get sugar, in order to manifest an experience of being
`happy`, most likely because of the sugar high, but with that being said, if I
was sad or upset sugar was commonly used as a method to `uplift` my mood in
which the relationship between sugar and myself was created - again basing it
around the polarities and consistently wanting a high
Diabetics then have
a responsibility to maintain our emotions and feelings and to not allow them to
be the directive principle of ourselves, although we have already allowed that
to happen due to the manifestation of diabetes and the want for highs (happiness
and sugar), and our allowance of ourselves to go out and buy and consume
something sugary or look for happiness in other places, there is also degeneration of genetics, but sugar and the want for happiness is the catalyst for the disease. In this, and as I am
writing this, I see how I am heavily influenced by positivity and attempt to
avoid negativity to an nth extent wherein I will consume sugar and use
substances that will chemically alter my brain to not have to feel anything
other than `good`, but in the laws of polarities, the good must always come
with the bad, so therefore within wanting good I am also wanting bad so that I
can maintain the experience of going/being high vs a low.
The point of
responsibility here sits within our life and how to direct our life and how to give effective care of the body in maintaining homeostasis and if our emotions
and feelings are frequently allowing ourselves to compromise our care for
ourselves then the emotions must be understood and we must forgive ourselves
for becoming subjects to our emotions/wants/feelings and decide to direct
ourselves within what is best for our bodies regardless of emotions and
feelings and desires. This certainly can be a difficult thing to work within
and live responsibility for, but what is nice is that it is left to our choice
of what we will accept and allow within ourselves or not, therefore we are the
directive principle on how we choose to live our life, and if it is not what is
best for all then we only have ourselves to face in the wake of consequence,
and only have ourselves to blame in the wake of consequence, therefore need to
realize that we are responsible.
The polarities of
the mind, for myself, need to be understood and not allowed to influence the
body and our ability to take care of the body. I am aware that within consuming
sugar, within consuming coffee, consuming cigarettes that I've created a chemical
need within the brain and I must, if I am to settle the polarities of myself
and the mind, walk through lows within putting an end to the substances that
I've abused, and decide to take care of the chemistry of the body and stop
fluctuation from highs and lows as best as possible at the moment so that I can
gather a strength to direct the mind when/as desires come up so that I am not
influenced or directed by them and am able to maintain care for the body.
In the next post I
will write out self forgiveness on the relationship to positivity and diabetes.
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