"I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take the information that diabetes is caused by an autoimmune disease without questioning what autoimmunity is and how autoimmunity works, and how the immune system has been designed to act on auto pilot to attack a part of itself that is beneficial to itself.

I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the body works as a
system of input and output like all life here on this planet and has specific
system information for each part of the body and that for an auto immune system
to take place I as creator must have placed information into/as the body
through my actions and thoughts in order for the immune system to automatically
start to attack the pancreas
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that because it has been
said that the cause of diabetes is this auto immune disorder that there will be
no cure as it is supposedly `just something that happens`, when through my
diagnoses I was diagnosed when I was 14 so it had to take 14 years for the
`automatic` part of the immune system to take place meaning that it wasn't
immediately automatic or I would have been diagnosed much sooner then 14 and
that it means that I had done something to trigger the auto immunity within
body that sent system coding for the immune system to attack the pancreas
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the people in high
places in this world, high places regarding money, want to keep their money and
the constant input of money and a cure would mean that they will no longer have
money coming in from diabetics to support their lives, jobs, and companies, so
a cure would not be in the best interest of all those employed within the
diabetic industry because of the way we have accepted the monetary system to
run, and only through implementing and equal money system will we ever see a
cure developed for anything that currently exists that makes money.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that only through our
being within our minds does the body in fact run on auto-pilot because if we
had to in fact control everything in the body we would immediately die from not
being here with the body, in this that the auto-pilot is designed within the
body for the best functions of the body and only through our input as foods and
thoughts and our treatment of the body do we alter the functions of the body to
not be what is in fact best for the body, in this causing the body to harm
itself due to the programmed functions, meaning that illness and dis-ease
is caused by what we have done within the body and not necessarily
because of the body itself. In this I forgive myself that I have
accepted and allowed myself to not give myself the awareness to see in
self-honesty how I as the body caused what the body has become.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to fail to see the correlation within
my thoughts of basically flagellation and the auto immune system disorder that
attack the body, wherein my thoughts often lead to self-judgment and harm and a
beating up on myself for being, and in this not realizing that this would have
a massive impact on the body overtime and that over time it would then train
the body to harm itself for being, as shown through autoimmune destruction of
the pancreas, in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself
to not consider all factors within this reality that would be a possibility for
dis-ease to exist, and to only chalk up the diagnoses to one simple cause as an
auto immune disorder
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to diagnose dis-ease when I in fact
have no idea how reality in fact functions, on how the interplay between all
aspects of reality affect reality to exist the way it does, and in this I
forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to diagnose a dis-ease
from the information and knowledge that I have been taught and searched for not
realizing that information and knowledge is in fact useless
and only a blind
onto how reality in fact functions as the cooperation between all
beings to exist, in this not understanding the cooperation
between all beings in existence, nor the intricate communication between
each down to the smallest point in the physical existence equal and one
with the largest point of existence.
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to as a human believe that I am above
all other beings because I have knowledge and information about how reality
works, but not a equal and one understanding as myself of how reality in fact
works, and that the understanding of reality is in separation within the mind
as information and knowledge when that is in fact not understanding.

I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed a system to exist where there is a mediator
between what is accepted and food and what is accepted as medication that is
under the same control of the same agency meaning that it is in it's best interest the manipulate the food that is consumed to make money off of
consumers later on through causing dis-ease where on would then need to buy
medication to continue to live causing the agency that monitors the food and
drugs permitted in this system to make a lot of money
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to not take responsibility for the
interactions that I have permitted within the body through my abdication of
being here with the body, and in this not taking responsibility, separate
myself from the body from standing equal and one with the body allowing myself
to not see what I have been doing to the body as the creator of the body
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to not use myself as a point to investigate in looking at all the points within myself prior to being diagnoses
with diabetes, and see what in fact took place before I was diagnosed that
could lead to the point of the immune system attacking the insulin producing
cells in the body, of whether it was diet, whether it was thought
manifestation, whether it was a combination of variables within reality, and in
this find the source to the cause of the system dis-ease that leads to diabetes
I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to not allow myself to opportunity to
clearly investigate why and how the immune system decides to attack the
pancreas to stop it producing insulin which is a beneficial hormone for the
body to function `normally` and in this
to not investigate all environmental factors as to what happened in each case
of a diabetic that lead to the immune system to be programmed into attacking
the pancreas to stop producing insulin
I commit myself to
investigate the points within myself prior to being diagnoses with diabetes as
to what environmental factors and self-behaviours that lead to the
manifestation of the dis-ease of diabetes
I commit myself to
standing for all diabetics and people with dis-ease in their life through
support of the equal money system wherein profit is not the motive of life, but
life being the motive of life wherein cures are then able to exist because
there will not be profit motive behind the continuation of dis-ease and illness

I commit myself to
not simply accept that the cause for diabetes is an auto-immune disorder that
is just because it is, and to commit myself to investigate exactly what
happened in my life that lead to the immune system automatically deciding for
itself to attack the pancreas, and what information I input into the body that
would lead it to end up attacking the pancreas."
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